Tout savoir sur nos services et vélos de location
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When you book online, simply specify in the "Comments" tab that you would like your order to be delivered. Be sure to include your holiday address. We'll then get back to you a few days in advance to arrange an appointment. It's so easy!
Please note that this service is only available from 3 consecutive rental days.
Nous acceptons les paiements en espèces, chèques bancaires, Cartes bancaires et cheque vacances ANCV. Il en est de même pour le service de livraison de vélo.
Yes, we are generally open every day during school holidays. Out of season, we are closed on Mondays and our opening times may vary. Visit our google maps page to check our opening times.
In this case, you can collect your bikes directly from the shop in Léon on the village church square. Our address: 27 Place du docteur Dufau, 40550, Léon.
This means that this model is no longer available during your chosen rental dates. Try another date, maybe you'll have better luck or choose another model, sorry.
Here are the sizes for our rental children's bikes.
12″ pitchoun bikes with stabilisers from age 3 up to 1m.
16″ pitchoun bikes from 4 to 7 years but without stabiliser. Prefer the 18″ if your child has already mastered cycling.
Pitchoun 18″ bikes for 4 to 7 year-olds, from 1m to 1m20 (stabilisers can be added)
MTB 20″ from 6 to 8 years old, from 1m20 to 1m35.
MTB 24″ from 8 years to +, from 1m35 to 1m50 approximately.